Who I am

Hi! My name is Bria Servoss (she/her). I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Certified Sex Therapy Informed Professional (CSTIP) in Madison, WI who hails from the Wisconsin north woods, with much of my adulthood formed in Chicago, IL - singing my way through its bars, music venues & burlesque clubs while working as a hairstylist.

During that time of general mayhem, I traveled, fell in love with the existential writings of Camus, de Beauvoir, & Sartre, and also earned my undergrad degree with honors, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Women & Gender Studies. I’ve gained invaluable insights and wisdom from not only my formal education, but also through living a complex, unexpected, adventurous life, speckled with mistakes & triumphs.

Eventually, I had a baby and moved back to Wisconsin, where I studied poetry and eventually attended grad school at UW-Whitewater to get my counseling masters degree, a little dream I’d had since my high school senior year, sitting in AP Psych class.

These days, I live near a marshy woodland with my blended family of humans & animals. I love gardening, going to see live music, traveling to strange lands, hiking, a good novel, fiddling with my houseplants, my dad’s old guitar, singing, writing, and having good conversations while eating excellent food.

I specialize in:

•women’s & LBGTQ+ issues

•couples & nontraditional partnerships (open monogamy, polyamory, consensual non-monogamy)

•life during/after divorce or large break-up

•shame, sexuality & sexual wellness

•emotional & psychological abuse

•perinatal & antenatal struggles

•parenting, single-parenting & step-parenting

•processing after adult ADHD diagnosis


•identity & self-esteem


I am sex-positive, poly-aware/knowledgable, sex worker-allied/aware, & kink-aware.

My approach

I work through an existential, feminist, and psychodynamic lens. In session, I find incredible value in working to uncover each individual’s unique voice and truths in order to find empowerment, agency, and courage. We may take winding paths to answers, connecting dots along the way to paint the complete picture of your lived experience.

I come from a place of compassion and curiosity; my approach is trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive. I believe that you are the expert on your own life. I ask questions and offer insight with a side of humor and without judgment. I challenge my clients to take the necessary risks to change and evolve in order to uncover their truest selves.

Some techniques I use are based in existential-humanistic therapy, feminist therapy, Imago Dialogue, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness (MBCT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), acceptance & commitment therapy (ACT), emotionally focused therapy (EFT), and Socratic Method.

Credential Certifications

•Certified Sex Therapy Informed Professional (CSTIP) (July 2024)

•Level 1 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy (August 2024)

•Cognitive Processing Therapy Certification (CPT) (August 2021)